
As a member of Bayside U3A you are entitled to enrol in courses throughout the year. Your membership fee covers the cost of courses. Small extra charges for materials sometimes apply.

Membership is per calendar year and must be renewed each year.

Membership Types

Full MemberDiscounted for term 4 (usually $50)$50.00
Associate MemberDiscounted for term 4 (usually $30) - already a member of another U3A$30.00
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How to join or renew your membership

Joining or renewing online

New members can join here.

Existing members can login here to renew.

Joining or renewing by form

Download a PDF membership form here.

The completed form can be:

  • Emailed to , or
  • Mailed to us at:
    Beaumaris Seniors Centre
    84 Reserve Rd
    Beaumaris, VIC, 3193, or
  • Delivered to the office during office hours.

Payment methods

We accept payments:

  • Online, or
  • By cheque made out to Bayside U3A Inc., and mailed to:
    Beaumaris Seniors Centre
    84 Reserve Rd
    Beaumaris, VIC, 3193, or
  • By cash / EFTPOS in person at the office, or
  • By EFT/bank deposit

Bank details for EFT/bank deposit:

Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
Account Number: 147 195 721
Account Name: Bayside U3A Inc
Reference: Please include your full name and member number (if known)